July 6, 2023

Nail your interview technique: our tips for candidates

If you’re going to secure an offer for a new role, you’re going to have to go through some interviews. No one loves them, but if you’re well prepared then there’s no reason you won’t be able breeze through each round. 

To help you out, here’s four tips to nail those conversations. 

  1. Preparation is key 📚

It might be a bit of an obvious one, but if you fail to prepare, well, we’re sure you know how the saying goes. 

Break down your research and get to know the company. Can you explain what they do in just a sentence or two? Get comfortable with what they offer, their unique selling point, and who the key competitors are. 

Make sure you know who’s interviewing you. Check out their job role, understand their position in the company, and even connect with them beforehand on Linkedin. If you come prepared with some good questions that align with their responsibilities, it will only reflect well on you. 

Doing this will not only help you stand out as a good candidate, but it will mean you go into the interview showing you’ve got a solid understanding of what you’re getting yourself into and that you’re serious about the role.

  1. Try the STAR method 🌟

This stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. 

Think about the competencies and skills the role requires, then come up with some examples of situations that you’ve had to use these. 

Discuss how it impacted your work. What was the task that you needed to do to overcome this situation? 

 You’ll then need to explain the actions you put into place to solve the problem. 

And finally, what was the result? If it was a huge success, this is epic. But even if the result wasn’t ideal, you can talk about what you learnt and how you used these learnings later on. 

And remember; relating tangible metrics to success is always a winner from an employer's perspective. 

It’s a good methodology for making sure you don’t ramble, give clear examples, and flex some of your experiences. Especially when you’re comparing military experiences with skills for the new career. 

  1. Be candid, and ask questions. 🤔

At the end of your interview, it’s a good idea to ask a few questions. Being curious about the role and your position shows your interest, and is also useful for bettering your understanding of the job. . 

It’s also a good idea to check in on how it went. Be candid about it, and just ask ‘How did I do?’. They might tell you then and there how they felt it went, which is great for getting an idea of where it might lead. Worst case, it shows you’re keen and they just let you know they’ll be in touch with feedback. 

Finally, make sure you ask what the next steps are and when you might hear more. This means you’ll be able to scope out timings and who you’ll be chatting with next. 

  1. Follow up 💬

Take the time to email, thanking each of the interviewers for their time. Saying thanks reflects well on you, and it opens up the conversation if you have further questions or if they want to ask you anything else. 

Essentially, it shows you’re professional and will leave a good impression. 

If you follow these tips, not only will it help you stand out as a candidate, but it will also help you go into the interview with confidence. Be yourself and let your capabilities shine. 

Good luck, and if you need any more support, feel free to reach out to us. 👊

If you're ready to start looking for new roles,  head to the Redeployable platform.

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