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Let's show you how

Tell us who you are and we'll tell you how it works.  

Meet Nick
Former Royal Navy, Diver
Now Full Stack Developer
Meet Kev
Former RAF, Aircrew
Now Product Manager
Meet Kelly
Former British Army, Engineer
Now Account Manager

Employers - How it works

Share your objectives

Whether you want to hire quickly, connect with top talent, or diversify your future candidate pool, we've got a networking service that's right for you.

Employer branding

Own your dashboard; this is your company's hub. Share key information; sell your mission, post open roles, advertise events, and use the Engage feature to network with top talent.


We'll find the perfect match for your company. Post your roles and our matching engine will find candidates that fit what you're looking for. We'll shield applicants names and faces to remove unconscious bias.

Hire diverse talent

Bring on board individuals who are passionate about your mission, dedicated, and know how to persevere through challenges. Bid farewell to the costly issue of employee turnover and welcome a team that knows how to get the job done, no matter how tough it gets.

Diversify your hiring strategy with Redeployable

Employer FAQs & Useful Resources

What profiles are common in the candidate database?

There’s no one type of profile on our platform. The military has a huge array of roles and job titles, from pilots to intelligence analysts and logistic specialists. This means we get candidates with a massive range of soft and hard skills. Some of these skills might mean that they want to continue into specific technical roles, like engineering or programming. 

But others might be interested in utilising their soft skills. These qualities mean that they’re great managers, are highly organised and adaptable, and would enable them to excel in a sales or operational role. 

As a result, we’ve got candidates who are capable of taking on a vast array of roles in their post-military careers. You’ll find a hugely diverse range of profiles applying for your roles, all with the ability to bring unique and valuable experience to your company. 

Do I have to list the salary for the role?

No, you don’t. However, it sets a good precedent for the candidate if you do, it shows you’re being transparent.

Plus, it helps candidates grasp if the role is right for their experience level or expectations. 

Can we post non-tech roles?

For sure! We don’t just have tech roles on the platform, and to be honest, it’s a very broad term. We’ve got companies in lots of different industries, from space to engineering, finance, telecoms, transportation, eco-technology and more. It's just important that the company falls into the tech or tech-enabled industry.

If you’re curious as to whether your company is a match for us, get in touch. 

Will I get a lot of engagement on my roles?

Yes! You have the opportunity to sell your company to a highly engaged candidate pool.

Firstly, you create your Company Profile. Upload a logo, and explain what you do clearly. Inspire candidates by sharing your values and company mission.

You can then create job descriptions in the platform that emphasise the skills needed, it means you'll get candidates applying who can match their military experience with the requirements of your roles.

If you want tips on how to optimise for engagement, our team are always on hand to help.

I have several of the same open roles, do I have to list them all?

Not at all. If you’re looking to hire multiple candidates for one position, just keep the role active until you’ve filled each vacancy.

How big is the candidate database?

We’ve got thousands of ex-military candidates on our database. Every day more people sign up, and every day someone gets hired. It means the number of those actively looking changes every day. 

How much does it cost?

It depends on a few factors, including how many roles you wish to advertise. Your best bet is to reach out to one of the team. We’ll help clear up costs.

Does the platform integrate with an ATS?

Not yet. The best workaround is to download the candidate application from the platform and plug it into the ATS system that you’re using. 

How are job applications managed?

You can manage applications on the platform.

Every time your role gets an application you’ll receive an email notification. If you then head to the platform you’ll be able to see the candidates that have applied. 

From there you can accept the candidate and reveal their picture. Or, if they’re not quite right for the role, this is when you reject them. If you’re rejecting an application, you’ll need to explain why so the candidate has some constructive feedback. 

If you like a candidate the next step is to spark up a conversation and arrange an interview. You can do this using the live chat feature.